What is VIP?
VIP stands for Vitual Interview Program (formally OCI). Every summer/fall and spring, McGeorge invites legal employers to campus to interview 2D/3E and 3D/4E students for summer and post-graduation jobs.
McGeorge's VIP program is a unique hybrid of private and public employers of all sizes. Our VIP employers have a wide variety of GPA and class rank requirements, thereby allowing all of our students the opportunity to participate.
Our program consists of the traditional VIP format, where law firms virtually interview McGeorge studetns who have certain qualifications. It is also comprised of employers from a wide range of legal sectors that do not necessarily have class rank or GPA requirements. These sectors include JAG, government agencies, DA/PD offices, small- and mid-sized general practice law firms, and boutique firms focused on particular practice areas such as intellectual property, land use, and water law. We draw employers from the local Sacramento area, the entire Central Valley, and throughout California and Nevada.
Registration for McGeorge’s Virtual Interview Programs (formally OCI) program begins April (for Summer/Fall VIP) and October (for Spring VIP). Interviews are virtual and on the Flo Recruit platform.)
Contact McGeorge’s Career Services Office for more Virtual Interview Program details at lawcareers@gxitma.net or 916.739.7011.